Frequently Asked Questions
How soon are recordings available?
Audio recordings are uploaded to this website within an hour after the meeting ends. Please note that occasionally technical issues may result in delayed availability.
For recordings of private meetings
The recording of the proceedings of private meetings are password protected. Credentials to access the recordings are either available from the Secretariat Focal point or from the Meetings Management Section. To submit a request, please e-mail us. Requests will be addressed from Monday to Friday - 09:00 to 18:00.
Meetings and Events
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No recording of this meeting.
Speaker | Actions | Time | Marker time |
Speaker | Actions | Time | Marker time |
Please note that there might be a discrepancy of up to a minute between the time indicated on the log and the time on the recording file and also between the various language channels.
Disclaimer: These transcripts are generated automatically by WIPO Speech-to-Text from the audiovisual recording. The accuracy of the transcripts cannot therefore be guaranteed. Only the original speech of the audiovisual recording constitutes the official record of the meeting proceedings.