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Working Group on the strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention Fifth session

Working Group on the strengthening of the BWC

 December 11, 2024 10:18 Tempus

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Orador/a Acciones Hora Tiempo transcurrido Duration
Start recording
10:18:55 0:00:00 00:00:01
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:18:56 0:00:01 00:01:20
FRIEND OF THE CHAIR 10:20:15 0:01:21 00:05:42
FRIEND OF THE CHAIR 10:25:57 0:07:03 00:05:34
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:31:32 0:12:37 00:00:11
ITALY 10:31:43 0:12:48 00:06:01
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:37:44 0:18:49 00:00:09
GERMANY 10:37:53 0:18:58 00:03:22
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:41:15 0:22:20 00:00:12
SPEAKER 10:41:27 0:22:32 00:02:16
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:43:42 0:24:48 00:00:08
UKRAINE 10:43:51 0:24:56 00:06:38
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:50:28 0:31:34 00:00:12
IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) 10:50:40 0:31:46 00:02:36
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:53:16 0:34:22 00:00:03
IRELAND 10:53:20 0:34:25 00:02:25
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 10:55:45 0:36:50 00:00:06
PANAMA 10:55:51 0:36:56 00:05:55
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 11:01:46 0:42:51 00:00:09
AUSTRIA 11:01:54 0:43:00 00:07:56
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 11:09:50 0:50:56 00:00:06
PAKISTAN 11:09:57 0:51:02 00:07:27
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 11:17:23 0:58:29 00:00:05
RUSSIAN FEDERATION 11:17:28 0:58:34 00:28:07
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 11:45:36 1:26:41 00:00:07
THAILAND 11:45:43 1:26:48 00:01:29
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 11:47:12 1:28:17 00:00:08
CHINA 11:47:19 1:28:25 00:05:03
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 11:52:23 1:33:28 00:00:07
SWITZERLAND 11:52:30 1:33:35 00:03:49
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 11:56:19 1:37:24 00:00:08
AUSTRALIA 11:56:26 1:37:32 00:04:35
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:01:02 1:42:07 00:00:10
FRANCE 12:01:12 1:42:17 00:07:55
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:09:07 1:50:12 00:00:08
PERU 12:09:15 1:50:20 00:04:11
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:13:26 1:54:31 00:00:10
JAPAN 12:13:35 1:54:41 00:03:46
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:17:21 1:58:27 00:00:11
KAZAKHSTAN 12:17:33 1:58:38 00:08:04
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:25:37 2:06:42 00:00:11
INDIA 12:25:48 2:06:53 00:08:54
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:34:42 2:15:47 00:00:08
INDONESIA 12:34:50 2:15:55 00:03:31
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:38:21 2:19:26 00:00:07
REPUBLIC OF KOREA 12:38:27 2:19:33 00:01:41
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:40:09 2:21:14 00:00:08
UNITED KINGDOM 12:40:17 2:21:22 00:02:34
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:42:51 2:23:56 00:00:27
FRIEND OF THE CHAIR 12:43:18 2:24:23 00:05:47
FRIEND OF THE CHAIR 12:49:04 2:30:10 00:08:33
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:57:38 2:38:43 00:00:15
SECRETARY 12:57:53 2:38:58 00:00:37
VICE-CHAIRPERSON 12:58:29 2:39:35 00:00:27
12:58:57 2:40:02

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Aviso Legal - Interpretación simultánea

Las Naciones Unidas proporcionan interpretación simultánea de las actuaciones, incluidos subtítulos, para facilitar la comunicación, teniendo en cuenta que existen seis idiomas oficiales de las Naciones Unidas. Sólo el discurso en el idioma original es auténtico y constituye un acta auténtica de las actuaciones. En caso de inconsistencia entre la interpretación y el discurso en el idioma original, prevalecerá este último.

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