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States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention

States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use Stockpiling Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction

Recent meetings

Second preparatory Meeting for the Fifth Review Conference
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
Second preparatory Meeting for the Fifth Review Conference
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 Room XIX
21st Meeting of the States Parties
States Parties to the Mine-Ban Convention
 原声, 阿拉伯文, 中文, English(英语), 法文, 俄文, Spanish(西班牙语)
 English(英语), 法文, Spanish(西班牙语)
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